New Elders

New Elders

Praise the Lord for your affirmation on Sunday of two new elders: Rocky Stubbs and Cole Barnes, as well as your reaffirmation of Brandon Vaughn to continue serving as an elder! These brothers will serve as wonderful pastors who will bless our church. Along with David Trice and me, this brings the total number of Crestview elders to five. We will formally recognize these brothers as a congregation by ordaining them to this office in gathered worship soon.

I encourage you to pray for all of our elders. Elders are fundamental to the life and ministry of the church. Please, pray in these ways: 1) That we will pray continually for the church, 2) for our preaching and teaching, 3) for our shepherding activities of knowing, feeding, leading, and protecting this flock, 4) that we will watch over ourselves and our families, 5) that we will oversee the church wisely, 6) that we will set a good example, and 7) that we will raise up more elders.  

Resurrection Sunday

April 9 is Resurrection Sunday. Please invite friends and neighbors to join us that day! We will follow our regular schedule, equipping courses at 9:30 AM and gathered worship at 10:30 AM. After the service, we will have a kids' egg hunt and a family photo backdrop. Remember to bring baskets for your children's eggs.

Current versions of the constitution and by-laws, and finance policy, as well as all current policy documents, are posted on the church website: Resources/Policies


For His Glory,

Pastor Thomas