Creeds and Confessions

Twists and Turns VBS is underway!

We are having a fun week together, learning about the character of Jesus! Kids have learned that Jesus is holy and trustworthy, with three more nights ahead. Thirty kids participated the first two nights, along with forty volunteers making it all happen. It's still possible to join the fun. VBS starts at 6:00 pm and runs through Thursday night.

Creeds and Confessions

As I explained this past Sunday, the historic creeds and confessions of the church have been helpful tools over the centuries to assist believers in confessing the faith. There are examples of creed-like confessions of faith in the Bible. Two examples are Eph 4:4-6 and 1 Cor 15:3-8.

Albert Mohler, president of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, encourages churches to utilize the historic creeds of the church for several reasons:[1]

  • Creeds define, summarize, and articulate the Christian faith.

  • They correct errors and serve as guide rails for the church.

  • They teach the church how to worship and confess its faith.

  • Creeds connect us with the faith of believers across the centuries.

When churches of various traditions confess these same creeds, they exhibit unity.

This Summer, in gathered worship, we will be utilizing the following as aids to confessing our faith together:

  • The Apostle’s Creed (June)

  • The Nicene Creed (July)

  • The Athanasian Creed (August)

  • The Chalcedonian Definition (September)

Wayne Grudem writes, “Students who take time to read these creeds thoughtfully will find that they provide excellent summaries of the doctrinal teachings of Scripture.”[2] Bible-believing, orthodox Christian churches of all varieties of denominational traditions, including Baptists, recognize and value these historic confessions.

Pew Reservations

Wednesday, June 7, is the deadline for members to reserve pews. After Wednesday, we open reservations to those outside our membership. Please use the online reservation form or call the church office.

Reservation Form:

For His Glory,

Pastor Thomas

[1] Albert Mohler, The Apostle’s Creed: Discovering Authentic Christianity In An Age of Counterfeits (Nashville: Nelson, 2019), xv-xxiii.

[2] Wayne Grudem, Systematic Theology (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1994), 1168.