Members Meeting

A Special Day

Lord’s Supper & Members Meeting this Sunday

We should always prioritize gathering with the church each Lord's Day. But the days we celebrate the Lord's Supper and have our quarterly members meeting, like this coming Sunday, should have a particular priority.

Our faith grows as we eat the supper, obeying Jesus's command to remember him in this way. As we eat, we testify to our incorporation into the Lord’s church (“The bread that we break is it not a participation in the body of Christ?” 1 Cor 10:16). What a privilege to gather and eat!

Congregationalism is a conviction that comes with certain obligations. Under the Lord, each Crestview member not only shares a common faith and doctrine but is also tasked with the responsibility to hear the updates from your leaders and participate in decision-making. Remember, the local church is the sum of its members. Unless providentially hindered, I hope we will all display the biblical conviction of living congregationalism this Sunday by being present.

Adjustment to our Saturday Service Day Efforts

The time has come to adjust to our Saturday service days. We are not making immediate plans to organize a Crestview-specific service team each Saturday. In its place, we will encourage volunteering with Samaritan’s Purse. Many want to continue serving with storm cleanup. Samaritan's Purse intends to continue operating out of Oak Hill Church until at least March 11. They have a good list of homes, tools, and staff to assess needs. Training begins daily at 7:30 am and 12:30 pm, including Saturdays. Let’s continue to pull together Crestview folks and use this avenue to serve neighbors and share the gospel on Saturdays (or other days).

Of course, if a specific home needs help, we can always organize a Crestview-specific effort through our deacons.

Roof Work Starting Soon

Weather permitting, and Lord willing, we hope to start roofing work next week!


For His Glory,

Pastor Thomas

Christmas Happenings

Christmas Happenings

  • Caroling & Chili Supper: Sunday, Dec 11, 4:00 PM

Cook your best pot of chili and meet at the fellowship hall this Sunday at 4:00 PM. Groups will go caroling to senior members of our church, including those who are homebound. Afterwards we will enjoy chili together. As always, a select cohort of culinary judges will award the best chili(s).

  •  Kids Christmas Party: Wednesday, Dec 14, 6:30 PM

  •  Student Christmas Party: Wednesday, Dec 14, 6:30 PM

  •  Legacy Plus Christmas Luncheon, Dec 20, 12:00 PM

Retirees, please join us and bring a friend for a Christmas theme luncheon. All food will be provided: ham, mashed potatoes, green beans, sweet potato pie.

  • Candlelight Service: Saturday, Dec 24, 5:00 PM

Join us for a casual evening of family-friendly Christmas hymns and Scripture reading. This is a wonderful gospel opportunity for family, friends, and neighbors. The service will be about 45-minutes in length.

  •  Christmas Day Gathered Worship: Sunday, Dec 25, 10:30 AM

Plan to gather with the church on the Lord’s Day for a service that will focus on the incarnation of the Lord Jesus. There will be no coffee corner, equipping courses, or nursery.

  •  New Years Day Gathered Worship: Sunday, Jan 1, 10:30 AM

Plan to gather with the church on the Lord’s Day for a service that will focus on the glory of the Lord Jesus. This is an ideal way to bring in 2023. There will be no coffee corner, equipping courses, or nursery.

International Missions Offering: Week of Prayer

Each day this week we are praying for International Missions. Through the International Mission Board, our fellowship of churches have sent over 3,650 missionaries serving in 116 countries. They serve in many of Earth's hardest, darkest, least-reached places. As you pray this week, please consider how the Lord is inspiring you to support this work. Sunday, December 18, will be our giving emphasis day.

Members Meeting Update

Praise the Lord for the wonderful members meeting this past Sunday. You heard important updates and made significant decisions. I highlight several here. We received two new members, both recently baptized, Cooper McLean and Addy Butler! The church affirmed new deacons: Doug Lawrence, Clay McLean, Reese Simmons, and Grayson Webb. We also affirmed the proposed 2023 Church Ministry Budget. Praise the Lord!


For His Glory,

Pastor Thomas

International Missions Offering

International Missions Offering

A ministry endeavor worth noting in the New Testament is the collection of funds from predominantly Gentile congregations by Paul to support the largely Jewish churches in Jerusalem. This cooperative offering is mentioned in Acts, Romans, and 1 & 2 Corinthians. In fact, the occasion when the authorities arrested Paul in Acts 24 was the delivery of these funds to Jerusalem. This offering is an example of churches working jointly to fund God-honoring ministry.

In this same spirit, the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering for International Missions is a joint effort of Great Commission Baptist Churches to provide funding to spread the gospel of the grace of God to all peoples around the world. Through the International Mission Board, our churches have sent over 3,650 missionaries serving in 116 countries. Over 90% of these missionary teams actively engage at least 1 of over 7,000 unreached people groups. These are OUR missionaries! They serve in many of Earth's hardest, darkest, least-reached places.

Please prayerfully consider how the Spirit of the Lord is stirring you to make a generous contribution to this year's offering for International Missions. As you do so, know that our church is one of the thousands of sister churches working together in this God-honoring ministry. This Sunday, December 4, we will begin our week of prayer for International Missions. Sunday, December 18, will be our giving day emphasis.

Members Meeting this Sunday

This Sunday, following gathered worship, will be our quarterly members meeting. In this meeting, you will hear essential updates on the church, add and remove members, and make several decisions. One decision will be to affirm the men whom the elders and deacons recommend serving as deacons: Doug Lawrence, Reese Simmons, Grayson Webb, and Clay McLean (Reaffirmation). Another decision will be the affirmation of the proposed 2023 Ministry Budget prepared by the elders, finance team, and staff: Proposed 2023 Ministry Budget

Welcome Alexis Lawrence

I am happy to announce that Alexis Lawrence has begun working in the office as our new ministry assistant. Over the next month, she will be transitioning into Gayle Kelley's role. Gayle will be retiring at the end of the year. Please, take the opportunity to thank Gayle for her service and welcome Alexis to our staff.

For His Glory,

Pastor Thomas

What is Advent?

What is Advent?

Though not something we have routinely highlighted with Crestview, it is a rich idea that we will be emphasizing this year. Advent is a season of waiting, designed to cultivate our awareness of God's actions in the past, present, and future. We remember Israel's waiting for the Messiah, giving thanks for Christ's incarnation, and anticipating his second coming. Across church history, churches have marked the four Sundays preceding Christmas with this focus. Starting on November 28, we will be highlighting Advent each Sunday in gathered worship with special readings, prayers, songs, and (yes!) candles. This will culminate with special Christmas services on Christmas Eve (5:00 PM) and Sunday, December 26. Pray for the Lord to strengthen his church. Pray for the gospel to be clearly proclaimed from Hebrews over these weeks.

The Advent season is ideal for inviting friends, family, neighbors, and your "ones" to Crestview on Sundays. Unique invite cards will be available to use. Also, keep an eye out for a social media blitz and share posts widely with your friends.

Members Meeting Updates

This past Sunday, the church received Josh and Hayley Roberts into membership. They are the proud parents of Jude and Asher. Let's continue to warmly welcome the Roberts into the Crestview family.

The church affirmed Lee Ramseur, Rocky Stubbs, and Mike McGhin deacons. What a blessing these brothers and their wives are to us all! We will set these brothers apart to this service in our worship gathering in the next several weeks.

The 2022 Church Ministry Budget was approved. I am grateful for the work your staff, finance team, and elders put into its development, as well as your affirmation to support this ministry plan. Let's continue to honor the Lord not only in our giving but also in our entire lives.

For His Glory,

Pastor Thomas

Reasons to Attend this Sunday

“And the twelve summoned the full number of the disciples…” Acts 6:2


There are many reasons you should be present this Sunday, but I want to encourage you with three. First, it is the Lord’s Day, and He is worthy of all worship and devotion. Your church needs your voice, service, hospitality, gifts, and involvement.  Second, we will be eating the Lord’s Supper together. Every believer who is physically able to do so should make attendance at the Lord’s table a priority. Let’s not take this lightly. Eating together as one assembly nurtures the church and is a way you continue to identify as a follower of Jesus and member of his church.


The third reason to be present this Sunday is our quarterly members meeting immediately following gathered worship. When significant decisions were needed in the churches of the New Testament, the entire church was gathered to make them. Due to covid we had to postpone the February meeting, so this is our first one in six months. You will receive important updates on the life of the church, hear recommendations from the elders on several important decisions, receive new members, see others out of membership, and learn about plans to add additional seating in the worship center. If you are not present, you will miss something and we will miss you. We will move through the content as quick as reasonably possible so expect the meeting to take 30-45 minutes.

Thank you for planning ahead and being present this Sunday!

For His Glory,

Pastor Thomas